Monday, July 6, 2009

Days of Old....

Here are a few cuties from days of old...

Rachel's first word was right after her 1st birthday, she was looking at a picture of herself and loudly and clearly said "BABY".... is that vanity?? From there it was non stop talking.

In the car headed home from day care (2008) Rachel was talking non stop and I had a headache, so I said "Rachel, do not say another word till we get home, Mommy needs quiet time." She sat silent for about 1 minute and then in a soft whisper said...."I love you." My heart just melted.

Some phrases:

- No not today... when asking her to clean her room or eat lunch
- Are you Cra? Are you Buh?....Rachel kept saying "are you crazy" to everyone so we had to tell her "don't say that, it's not nice." So one day she was on the verge of saying it but changed crazy to went, " are you...a bunny?" Then she just began shortening the word crazy to cra...and bunny to buh. Also if watching TV or she hears one of us say Crazy... she immediately corrects us and the TV and says..."you can't say that it is not nice."

Some words that she says incorrectly but cute.

Strawberrys - Strawbabies
Lemonade - Lemellate

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